Special Mention | Wildscape & Animals in Their Habitat

Uditchandra Pal

Special Mention | Wildscape & Animals in Their Habitat

Ramathra Fort, Rajasthan

A Heritage Sight

Abandoned buildings often end up being taken over by creatures of the wild. This forgotten part of the fort is now occupied by bats, which has, in turn, attracted pythons, civets, and this Shikra and its family. Bats, rats, squirrels and garden lizards are all fair game for the Shikra.

Uditchandra Pal

Uditchandra Pal is a nature guide and a wildlife photographer. His interest in trail cam photography is a result of his experience as a guide, walking through unexplored wilderness across the country. He is also inspired by his grandfather who spent a lot of his time outdoors observing the natural world. Uditchandra works with conservationists and researchers to shine a light on pertinent issues.


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