Special Mention | Young Photographer

Jomtup Charoenlapnumchai

Special Mention | Young Photographer

Kaeng Krachan National Park, Phetchaburi, Thailand

Dancing in the Dark

Winged termites or alates are alert to the rains, emerging from underground colonies soon after the first showers. They swarm around lights in what is called a nuptial flight, the first step in establishing a colony. In this ghostly frame, the swarm is captured in motion above a bouquet of Red Pagoda flowers.

Jomtup Charoenlapnumchai

Jomtup Charoenlapnumchai has been interested in nature since childhood. The 14-year-old young photographer resides in Bangkok, Thailand and began wildlife documentation when he was eight. His initial interests were to document rare wildlife moments, but he now hopes to provide unique perspectives of the world around him.


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