Special Mention | Conservation Focus

Geoffrey Reynaud

Special Mention | Conservation Focus

Northern British Columbia, Canada

Road to Perdition

When winter arrives in northern British Columbia, sometimes the snow is so deep the Wood Bison herds that inhabit the forest along the Alaska Highway tend to use the ploughed highway to move from one grazing area to another. The journey is difficult, and many bison succumb to the traffic. Records show that annually about 15 per cent of the population in the region dies as a result of these collisions. The aerial image is a befitting representation of how the threatened species manoeuvres these problematic terrains.

Geoffrey Reynaud

Geoffrey Reynaud is a French conservation and wildlife photographer based in Vancouver, Canada. He finds meaning in observing and documenting natural history stories, no matter what creature it is, be it a tiny insect or a large mammal. His love for adventure helped him to travel the world.


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